Acercamiento a la presencia del retrato de José Martí en la pintura cubana Por Maikel Iglesias Rodríguez Retratar el alma del Apóstol de la patria cubana, hacerle una caricatura a la luz de su ángel, captar esa simiente que germina corazones en los áridos entornos de este mundo… … Los bigotes de un ángel llamado MartíLeer más »
“Ni habrá intelecto humano aislado, por enérgico y fecundo que sea, que tuerza la marcha lenta y progresiva de los naturales elementos de la vida, que van perfeccionándose y transformándose con la mayor elevación, por la educación y la libertad del hombre; que los derechos justos pedidos inteligentemente tendrán, sin necesidad de violencia, que vencer; que el único modo eficaz de mejorar los males sociales presentes, por medios naturales y efectivos,...
ÍNDICE AÑO VI. 2013 REVISTA CONVIVENCIA DE LA NO. 31 A LA NO. 36 A Álvarez Carlos M. Contreras: “En contra de Cuba no juego”. No. 31. Pág. 24. Almanza Alonso Rafael. Ver en calma un crimen, es cometerlo. No. 34. Pág. 18. Alba Carreño Yadian. Una semilla de esperanza para Cuba. No. 36. Pág. 36. B Bomnín Javier Humberto J. La realidad cubana nos impulse a actuar con civismo. No. 32. Pág. 30. Bomnín Javier Humberto J. ¿Qué sabemos sobre pedagogía...
“To live is to love. To love is to resurrect”. These mystical verses by Dulce María LOynaz can summarize the life and the work of the emeritus archbishop from Santiago de Cuba, Pedro Claro Meurice Estiú who was rightly called “the Lion of the East”. The end of his pilgrimage took him by surprise in another shore of Cuba which is only one; it happened maybe as a visible sign of his passion to unify the Nation-in-Diaspora. And now that it happened there...
There have been already many and varied pronouncements about this topic of the exercise of citizen sovereignty and the election and the duration of public servers. One of the most interesting proposals has been the one made by the Editorial of the fraternal magazine “Espacio Laical” in which they propose, among other aspects, direct, secret and free elections of the president of the Nation and the participation of persons who are not members of the...
“Friendship is the greatest of the civic goods because if there is friendship the civil confrontations will be reduced to the minimum” (Aristotle: “The Nicomacheme Ethics”. Book IX, 1170) “Convivencia” magazine is going to be four years old. Its name (living together) is a need and a proposal. But we don’t want to speak about us. We want to continue thinking and suggesting things for the present and for the future of Cuba always with our feet...
“You are and should be the protagonists of your own personal and national history” (John Paul II, Cuba 1998) The two visits by the Supreme Pontiffs of the Catholic Church are landmarks that show a step forward taken by Cuba civil society. Cuba has changed and not only and not always for the worse. Our opinion is that between both apostolic visits there is a process that goes forward: the process of the...
Inefficiency and exclusion are the signs of what has to be changed in Cuba. It’s not only about economic inefficiency and exclusion but political, cultural, organizational and even sports inefficiency and exclusion. All of them lead to, and have their root cause in the inefficiency and the anthropological erosion which is the damage caused to the human person and prevents his full and happy development. It is, above all, a spiritual inefficiency....
Four hundred years ago three men representatives of the Creole stratum of the Island picked up from the sea, after the storm, a small and brown image of Mary, Jesus of Nazareth’s mother. That was the symbol of our domestic encounter between three cultures: two Indians, a black slave and an icon of the Christian religion which is the religious matrix of our identity. The storm was the proof that no transculturation takes place over the serene...
EL PROYECTO Y LA REVISTA CONVIVENCIA (2007) El día 21 de marzo de 2007, el nuevo obispo de Pinar del Río decidió la extinción del Centro de Formación Cívica y Religiosa (CFCR) y la intervención de la revista Vitral en reunión efectuada en el Obispado de Pinar del Río con el equipo diocesano del Centro. En esa reunión se acordó colocar en la próxima revista Vitral ( , No. 78, la siguiente nota que saldría con fecha 8 de abril de 2007,...