Discurso de Aceptación en la Ceremonia de entrega del Premio Nobel de Literatura 2010. © FUNDACIÓN NOBEL 2010 Mario Vargas Llosa Por Mario Vargas Llosa Aprendí a leer a los cinco años, en la clase del hermano Justiniano, en el Colegio de la Salle, en Cochabamba (Bolivia). Es la cosa más importante que me ha pasado en la vida. Casi setenta años después recuerdo con nitidez cómo esa magia, traducir las palabras de los libros en imágenes, enriqueció...
Después del 32 Festival de Cine Latinoamericano de La Habana. Por Henry Constantín “…el único castigo al pecado original es el bostezo” Guillermo Cabrera Infante ¿o Caín? (Revista Carteles, 2 de diciembre de 1956, 54 años exactos antes de que empezara este Festival) Cartel promocional del filme. Con discursos politizadísimos, y casi feroces, contra el estatismo y su hija predilecta, la burocracia, abrió y cerró el 32 Festival de Cine Latinoamericano...
Cuba se encuentra en un dilema. Necesita cambios estructurales y el miedo al cambio la paraliza. Está en una crisis económica terminal y no quiere abrirse a los cambios políticos. No se quiere traspasar el poder aunque le cueste a Cuba el tener y el ser. Cuba está con dolores de parto. No sabe a ciencia cierta qué va a parir… ni cómo será el parto. Porque los ginecólogos y los obstetras no se ponen de acuerdo. Unos por miedo a que muera el niño...
ÍNDICE AÑO IV. 2011 REVISTA CONVIVENCIA DE LA NO. 19 A LA NO. 24 A Acta del Jurado II Concurso Convivencia. No 22. Pág. 14. Alonso Daussá Enrique. Mi ciudad. No 22. Pág. 12. Ajmàtova Anna. Poemas escogidos. No 20. Pág. 10. Almanza Rafael. Razones para desconfiar del periodismo. No 24. Pág. 38. B Barrenechea José Gabriel. ¿En Cuba ha comenzado una reforma? No 19. Pág. 52. Barrenechea José Gabriel. Apuntes para una historia de la salud pública en Cuba...
The human rights and the civic duties are the basis and the measuring stick to promote and evaluate the pacific and prosperous cohabitation of the nations. This is a conviction that has grown throughout the history of humankind and reached its highest degree with the adoption of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights by the United Nations Organization on the tenth of December 1948. Cuba was then the country that had the honour to submit the Declaration...
Cuba is going through one of the tensest moments of its recent history; without economy, without a viable political project on the part of the ones who hold power and with a society which is increasingly discouraged. It’s not an apocalyptic perspective but reality. It’s the new “special period” though it has not been officially called that way. There is a difference with the crisis of the 90’s. In that crisis there was a lot of money in national currency...
The human life is above everything and everyone. According to the development of the conscience of humankind today, no argument can justify the injury, the loss or the interruption of the full life of every woman and man. In the present world, every normal and decent person strongly rejects the aggressions to human life wherever they come from or whatever justification is used manipulating the most elaborated arguments. Nothing justifies inflicted...
The peoples, just like men have souls, a spiritual dimension. The culture world is the greatest expression of the nations’ souls. All materialisms have tried to reduce this dimension to objectiveness and technical nature. The results of the peoples’ subjectivity suppression by decree have been the impoverishment and decadence not only decimating their spirituality but also their human and economic development. In Cuba, this reductionism is visible....
The world is not a chaos. Nor do we live in anarquy as a system. The world is not all bad. Neither is Cuba a normal country. Shades is what is missing, more and more. Manichaeism cuts the world in half. Not equal halfs, not proportional, not interwoven, but the partition is totally unsymmetrical: we the good ones, and just in case, with some others; and the rest of the world is a complete disaster. However, to escape has become the most rapid, used...
The world is not a chaos. Nor do we live in anarquy as a system. The world is not all bad. Neither is Cuba a normal country. Shades is what is missing, more and more. Manichaeism cuts the world in half. Not equal halfs, not proportional, not interwoven, but the partition is totally unsymmetrical: we the good ones, and just in case, with some others; and the rest of the world is a complete disaster. However, to escape has become the most rapid, used...