Sixty-three years after a project that was presented as the redemption of the humble and as the nation of equality and justice, we begin this year 2022 with a country on the run, with a nation that is bleeding to death
The Catholic Church has been present in the history of Cubafor five centuries. This presence and pastoral action has manifested in different ways and in all environments in the social life of our people, with its lights and shadows.
Foto tomada de internet. During this month of April 2021, a generational change in Cuba is expected to be completed. It is assumed that those who made the revolution that came to power in 1959 will relinquish their positions at the head of the Communist Party, the Cuban Government, and the Cuban State. The vast majority of those who will assume these responsibilities now were not born before that distant date; or were children when an epic story tried...
Foto tomada de internet. Cuba is starting to come out of the Coronavirus pandemic. We will have to learn to live with a new viral disease which may become endemic. However, what we cannot get used to is to calamity. Too many years of social and human experimentation have gone by leaving in their wake very difficult to overcome anthropological damage. It has been proven beyond a shadow a doubt that doing the same thing –which some call continuity-...
Cuba is starting to come out of the Coronavirus pandemic. We will have to learn to live with a new viral disease which may become endemic. However, what we cannot get used to is to calamity. Too many years of social and human experimentation have gone by leaving in their wake very difficult to overcome anthropological damage. It has been proven beyond a shadow a doubt that doing the same thing –which some call continuity- one will get exactly what...
Foto tomada de internet. Some 26 ago in November 1994 a paper was presented at the Fifth Catholic Social Week in Havana entitled “Reconstructing civil society, a project for Cuba.” Nobody, or almost no one, was talking about “civil society” inside this isolated isle. The topic was taboo, almost prohibited, and looked upon in a reserved manner by a few scholars, unknown or confusing for the great majority of Cubans. But many countries in Europe and...
The year 2020 has begun and the number brings to mind the best eyesight or vision that a human being can have. Given the critical conditions in which we find ourselves in the Island, in Latin America and in the world, and keeping in mind that all Century 21 Socialist projects have run their course to such an extent that they have had to resort to violence and prevarication, we have begun the year utilizing the simile of biological vision. With this...
Foto tomada de internet Taking stock of the end of the year allows us to take a look of this time interval to try to summarize the main traits that characterized it. It is not a futile exercise, time is the most precious and the most irreversible asset for anyone to utilize in their life project, such that each human group, nation or entire international community may be able to assess their performance, recognize their errors, become satisfied with...
Foto tomada de Internet. Cuban authorities announced last September 11th the arrival of a “cyclical economic period” involving a “glitch” in the transportation of fuel due to increased blocking measures by the United States government. Administrative decisions have begun to be executed in order to decrease usage and also to restrict processes and activities that significantly affect the daily lives of Cubans. These decisions,...
Foto tomada de internet Many Cuban citizens like us, belonging to the people, who are sovereign, petitioned during the discussion phase on the constitution for a change in the law in order for there to be direct suffrage such that the people would be able to elect, through their vote, without intermediaries, those that would occupy the main positions of responsibility in the country: be it President of the Republic, Vice President, Governors, as well...