The human life is above everything and everyone. According to the development of the conscience of humankind today, no argument can justify the injury, the loss or the interruption of the full life of every woman and man. In the present world, every normal and decent person strongly rejects the aggressions to human life wherever they come from or whatever justification is used manipulating the most elaborated arguments. Nothing justifies inflicted...
The peoples, just like men have souls, a spiritual dimension. The culture world is the greatest expression of the nations’ souls. All materialisms have tried to reduce this dimension to objectiveness and technical nature. The results of the peoples’ subjectivity suppression by decree have been the impoverishment and decadence not only decimating their spirituality but also their human and economic development. In Cuba, this reductionism is visible....
The world is not a chaos. Nor do we live in anarquy as a system. The world is not all bad. Neither is Cuba a normal country. Shades is what is missing, more and more. Manichaeism cuts the world in half. Not equal halfs, not proportional, not interwoven, but the partition is totally unsymmetrical: we the good ones, and just in case, with some others; and the rest of the world is a complete disaster. However, to escape has become the most rapid, used...
The world is not a chaos. Nor do we live in anarquy as a system. The world is not all bad. Neither is Cuba a normal country. Shades is what is missing, more and more. Manichaeism cuts the world in half. Not equal halfs, not proportional, not interwoven, but the partition is totally unsymmetrical: we the good ones, and just in case, with some others; and the rest of the world is a complete disaster. However, to escape has become the most rapid, used...
Everything has moved in Cuba, especially since February 2010. Everything had been moving before. It’s a process. Everything has moved except the essence of the system. If we assess the first 9 months of this critical year we could mention some factors of the analysis, catalysts, dilemmas, morals and challenges: Factors for an analysis of the Cuban reality Accumulation of the inefficiency of the system for half a century: it’s been proven that it doesn’t...
Internet is 40 years old. No one could have imagined in the distant December of 1969 when the first steps for this giant international net were taken, that four decades later it would be the most powerful instrument for communication and easy to use. The connexions between the computers in the Universities of Los Angeles, Stanford, Utah and California, in Saint Barbra and one Centre of investigation for the Defence went immediately beyond the threshold...
To think about the future of Cuba, to think about it and to arrange it; to arrange it and to start to build it from now all of us together, is an urgency which becomes more and more present and last chance. Everything that is and acts for the foresight of the future is strength for Cuba. Everything that is petrified in the past is weakness and mummifies the present. That is why we will grant a smaller space to the fair complaint and the necessary...
Fifty years ago Cuba stopped being a country which receives immigrants and turned into a nation on the run. It doesn’t matter so much if the exile is rough or velvet. It doesn’t matter if persons leave through a program of refugees or undertake a “revolutionary mission”. What almost everybody wants is to get out. Cuba is a nation which is endlessly bleeding. The uprootment is maybe the most visible result of the 50 years of totalitarian government....
To become a citizen (man or woman) is an achievement of the conscience and the will. It is a right and a duty. It’s the foundation of cohabitation and politics of our time. In times of slavery there were owners and slaves. During feudalism there were lords and servants from the glebe. During absolute monarquies, there were kings and subjects. When the world left behind these relationships of subordination and exploitation among persons, the Republics...
It’s the first anniversary of “Convivencia”, at the service of the civil society, from the interior of Cuba. We are on the threshold of our second anniversary. The six issues have shown the profile and style of the magazine; its language and range. The way we propose it in our definition of that first editorial on the 15th February 2008: “Convivencia” is a digital publication of a Socio-cultural, plural, participatory nature, respectful of the differences...